Legal notice

What you will read in this post

    1. Notice to all third parties

    This is a legal notice to all third parties partnering with OSCEsmart current, past or future candidates (Candidates) in any way and for any purpose. Throughout the years of providing tutoring and coaching service for the QLTS OSCE, We have developed our own methodology, approach, tips and various other oral and written materials as defined in OSCEsmart Terms and Regulations – QLTS OSCE Study Materials. In the light of the upcoming SQE, We are forced to protect our intellectual property rights to the above Materials.

    As part of training, we inevitably have to share the Materials with OSCEsmart Candidates for the sole purpose of their preparation for the qualification law exam. Holding these Materials on trust for OSCEsmart, the Candidates are expressly forbidden to use them for any other purpose, in particular for providing any training services, directly or indirectly. Any unauthorised use of the Materials or assistance to the wrongdoer(s) by a third party, as well as the Candidate’s use of the Materials for purposes other than the intended purpose, is strictly prohibited. If a third party breaches the above without our express written permission, it shall amount to ‘Strangers intermeddling with trust property’ – which may have an adverse effect on the future of the business involved.

    On a separate note, We remind that amongst other things, solicitors of England and Wales have to meet character and suitability requirements, and act in compliance with the Codes of Conduct. On the other hand, as solicitors, We have a related duty to act in the public interest and report misconduct by any person or firm authorised by the SRA. At the same time, We will consider each matter on a case-by-case basis and shall not undertake any steps until We have reasonable grounds to believe that the breach has occurred. Therefore, We do not waive any of our rights to bring the claim and to report the wrongdoer(s) We may suspect to the SRA.

    That being said, We urge everyone to act honorably and lawfully.

    To check whether a person belongs to the Candidates, please send an email to

    2. Notice to Aspiring Solicitors / Candidates:

    Please note, We track users attempting to sign in with alternate credentials, from unusual places or at strange times. By using our Products and Services, You expressly agree not to provide access to OSCEsmart materials to any third party. Any intended recipient of the SQE Study Materials by opening and/or using expressly or impliedly accepts his or her willingness to hold the material(s) on trust for OSCEsmart. Transfer of the materials or disclosure of its contents is strictly forbidden and shall amount to breach of contract and trust.

    You acknowledge that if You breach, or if We have reasonable grounds to suspect that You have breached this provision, We may terminate or suspend your right to use the Materials. Additionally, intellectual property infringement offences can have both civil and criminal implications, and in any event, are likely to be considered dishonest . As such, any such proven, or reasonably suspected breaches, will be reported to the SRA, which may adversely affect your future status admission.

    While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in our Products, it does not constitute legal advice and cannot be relied upon as such. We do not accept any responsibility for liabilities arising as a result of reliance upon the information given.