July 11, 2024
Dr Olga Pogrebennyk
The SQE2 exam is the second stage of the Solicitor Qualifying Examination. It’s undertaken by aspiring solicitors who have either passed the initial stage (SQE1)...
June 1, 2024
Oliver Gray
Challenging SQE results is regulated by the SQE Appeals Policy (Policy). This article is a detailed guidance for aspiring solicitors. It does not constitute legal...
March 16, 2024
Mathieu Quenin
In this article, we embark on an exciting exploration of various options available to those preparing for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) in the UK. Our focus today is SQE1 online lectures available on the Superexam platform, with a subsequent article to be published delving into the SQE2, both providing valuable insights and recommendations for each SQE assessment.
November 1, 2022
Dr Olga Pogrebennyk
One of the most prominent features of the 21st century is certainly the diversification of higher education. We already see differences in the form, curriculum,...
September 2, 2022
Dr Irene Rudique
Your success is just a matter of practice - breeze through the SQE and LPC assessments with tutored mocks from OSCEsmart. Feel Free to Contact Us!
March 3, 2021
Rosanna Morello Carrieri
What is SQE? The Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE), or super-exam as it is referred to, is the new uniform set of assessments of one’s functional...
July 8, 2019
Dr Olga Pogrebennyk
Of the many indicators of upcoming changes to the legal profession, liberalisation of legal services initiated by the SRA is perhaps the most demonstrative one....
November 24, 2018
Dr Irene Rudique
Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) is designed to have 2 stages (SQE stage 1, and SQE stage 2), of which SQE stage 1 is going to...
November 24, 2018
Dr Irene Rudique
What Is Miller Pyramid? The original pyramid was designed by the American psychologist George Miller in 1990 as a framework for assessing doctors’ clinical competence....