SQE1 Mock Tests and Practice Questions

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    The SQE1 assessment is a multiple-choice examination which tests the candidate’s functioning legal knowledge (FLK1 and FLK2) in each of the practice areas over two sessions, with 180 SQE exam questions in each. The exam is designed in a “single best answer” format – this means that each answer could be a plausible solution to the situation presented in the question, but there is only one answer which is fully correct.

    SQE1 Assessment - Single Best Answer

    The “wrong” answers may not be very obvious, so it is important to build up experience answering SQE sample questions in order to familiarise yourself with the format of these types of questions and give yourself the best chance of passing the assessment.

    There are several options available for students to study and practise SQE example questions through MCQ mock tests, but it is important to be discerning when choosing these types of SQE self-study materials.

    For maximum benefit, mock tests should be designed as closely as possible to the actual examination – for SQE1, this means that the SQE practice questions should be presented with five potential answers including one single best answer.

    The SQE example questions should also be constructed to a very high standard to match the standard of the actual assessment. Not all providers can guarantee this, so be very careful in reviewing the available information before choosing which SQE1 mock tests you attempt.

    The options currently available for self-study and mock papers are outlined in the table below, including both paid packages and free options such as the SRA SQE sample questions.

    OSCEsmart SQE1 support

    We are in the process of developing a dedicated SQE 1 course with mock questions to help support candidates in preparing for this first stage of the SQE. Our course will be based on the SQE Prep & Practise materials which have been developed by Oxford University Press (OUP) – based on our experience, we have found that this offering is one of the most robust, well-developed self-study options available to SQE candidates. Manuals and sample questions are available in packages covering FLK1 or FLK2 topics, or a full package comprising both. These SQE self-study materials also complement the SRA SQE questions provided on the SRA website.

    If you are interested in purchasing the OUP’s SQE Prep & Practise materials or have any other SQE questions, please feel free to contact us at info@superexam.com and we would be happy to offer further information and advice.

    We are also planning to host a series of live group sessions and webinars where candidates can consider SQE1 sample questions and the range of answers together with our expert tutors. This can be a fantastic way to learn the best techniques for how to approach these types of questions and identify the correct answer.

    Please register here if you would be interested in attending a live SQE1 revision lecture.


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