Price Policy

What you will read in this post


    This Price Policy is supplemental to the Terms and Conditions and Online SQE2 Booking Policy. Where inconsistent with the latter, and save where otherwise stated in this policy or Booking Policy, this policy shall prevail. For the avoidance of any doubt, the terms defined in the Terms and Conditions shall apply to this policy save where such terms are inconsistent with any specifically defined herein. 


    (i) SQE2 Practice:   

    Mock stationsAbbreviation£
    Client interviewCI70
    Attendance note individually markedAN IM120
    Attendance note suggested answerAN SA35
    Matter analysisMA120
    Legal writingLW120
    Legal draftingLD120
    Legal researchLR120

    Note, more specifically the Mock stations are regulated by the respective Online SQE2 Booking Policy depending on your SQE2 setting, and that Booking policy shall prevail where inconsistent with this Price Policy.   

    (ii) SQE2 Group Sessions

    Skills lectures and group sessionsAbbreviation£
    Live-streamed interactive sessionsLSIS50
    Live-streamed mock (Legal Theatre®)LT50

    Note, the Live-streamed interactive sessions and Live-streamed mocks (Legal Theatre®) are regulated by the SMART EVENTS BOOKING POLICY (LEGAL THEATRE), which shall prevail where inconsistent with this Price Policy. 

    (iii) SQE1 Theory: Lectures*

    Law lectures and group sessionsAbbreviation£
    Recorded lectureRL35
    Live revision lectureLRL25

    All the Recorded lectures are broken down into smaller chunks. These are available in the Library section on the platform, together with smart notes and materials for extra reading (such as attachments and references). 

    Live revision lectures are interactive live sessions designed to cover law updates, analyse multiple choice questions, and address exam techniques. These sessions typically range from 1 to 2 academic hours, depending on the volume of materials. The lectures occur monthly and are usually focused on a specific subject or a group of related subjects. Students can submit questions in advance and during the session, with priority given to questions submitted in advance. The schedule of the lectures for each stream is displayed on the website. We reserve the right to make changes in the dates and subjects if required. We understand the importance of planning ahead, and will only resort to this in case of dire necessity. It is further regulated by the Smart Events Booking Policy.

    (vi) SQE2 Theory: Lectures*

    Skills lectures and group sessionsAbbreviation£
    Legal writing lectureLWL100
    Legal drafting lecture / 1 per area of lawLDL50
    Client Interview lecture (including attendance note)CIL50
    Advocacy lectureAL50


    If you wish to purchase a  LWL, CIL or AL skills lecture, You must also purchase at least one mock in the same skill as the lecture and book it. In the case of drafting lectures: 

    • If You purchase all the drafting lectures, You must also purchase, book and handle at least one LD mock in any area of law. 
    • If You purchase one or some drafting lectures, You must also purchase, book and handle at least one LD mock in the same areas of law.   


    • CIL must be purchased with at least one CI mock session or LT in any area of law.
    • AL must be purchased with at least one CI mock session in any area of law.
    • LWL must be purchased with at least one LW mock session in any area of law.
    • Civil litigation drafting lecture must be purchased jointly with the Civil litigation LD mock session. The same applies to LDLs in other areas of law.
    • If you purchase 2 LDLs: Criminal litigation and property LDLs must be purchased jointly with the Civil litigation and Property LD mock sessions.
    • If you purchase all LDLs: must be purchased with at least one LD mock session in any area of law.

    This mock(s)/LT shall not be subject to any refund.

    (iii) Smart Credits (SCs): In order to facilitate discounted pricing which is clear, fair, and transparent as to the contents included, and made with a view to maximising your flexibility in choosing and adding the Services that You need during the whole SQE prep period, We have introduced Smart Credits (SC or Credits). Instead of lectures, smart events or mock stations You purchase SC at a price of £1 per 1 Credit. The Credits therefore function as coupons, that You may later convert into mock stations or other Services by means of placing an order: booking the mocks, Group sessions or purchasing access to lectures. 

    (iv) How to purchase: You may either “pay as you go” by adding and paying for a particular item or You can make a bulk purchase topping up your account with a particular amount of money. In either case You may be entitled to a discount, please see Section B, below, in this respect. In order to make an estimate of the amount required please use our Smart-calculator before placing your order. 


    SQE2 Practice: discounts shall be calculated as follows – 

    1. There are 3 thresholds which entitle You to a discounted price as provided in the table below (Thresholds):  
    Cumulative Total (£)Discount
    1000 – 14995%
    1500 – 199910%
    1. The under-threshold fees paid for the services You purchase shall be added to your Cumulative Total. Upon reaching a threshold, they shall entitle you to the respective discount displayed in the table above on any further purchases. The total discount on any purchase is capped at 15% of the originally displayed un-discounted price of the items being purchased. 
    2. You further may choose whether or not to apply a discount to your purchase. Please note that applying a discount to your purchase will substantially reduce the amount of any refund You will be entitled to if You request one. See Section F. REFUND below. If You opt to apply a discount, it will apply to all your purchases and may not be changed. 
    3. If You opt to apply a discount to your purchases, the respective discount shall be automatically applied to any purchase made at the time of that election, and to any further purchases You make, until You reach another higher Threshold, at which time the corresponding greater discount will apply to further purchases. 
    4. Discounts cannot be applied retrospectively: upon reaching a Threshold You shall be entitled to a discount on the purchase taking place at the time, and on future purchases, but this shall not apply to your previous purchases. Your previous purchases shall however remain relevant to the calculation of your Cumulative Total.

    Example: Your first purchase is for £999, which is just below the first Threshold. You then later purchase some additional mocks for the amount of £240, causing your Cumulative Total to exceed the first Threshold. In this case, if You opt to apply the discount, the price You will pay for this purchase (£240 ) will be reduced by 5% leaving a total payable of £228 in this case. Any further purchases You make will also benefit from this 5% discount until You reach a higher discount Threshold. However, You will not be entitled to any discount on the initial purchase of £999.

    1. The discounts apply to all the services provided by Us, except those that are already sold as a package, including but not limited to: SQE Skills Pack and Special SQE2 packages for the QLTS candidates and LPC grads. For the avoidance of any doubt, the discounts shall not apply to the purchase of SCs.



    As a matter of good practice which We developed during QLTS, We are offering a discounted price on the following Theory and Group sessions, sold as a package:

    (i) SQE1:

    Package B FLK1 & FLK2 (*smart format)

    • 13-month subscription to the following materials.
    • Recorded lectures + Synopsis Notes + Flashcards.
    • Challenging questions database.
    • Full preparation package for FLK1 & FLK2 with the option to extend the subscription for £300 per annum.
    • Suitable for UK LLB graduates, apprentices and trainee solicitors who self-study or employ a training provider.
    SQE1 FLK1 & FLK2Recorded lecturesNo of lecturesFlashcards
    Business Law and Practice4
    Dispute Resolution4
    Property Practice4
    Wills and the Administration of Estates4
    Solicitors Accounts1
    Land Law3
    Criminal Law3
    Criminal Practice4
    Consti and Admin & EU law3
    English Legal SystemFreeFree
    Legal Services1
    Total number42
    Total price£1435
    Discounted price: SQE1 Subjects-£436 Discount £999
    Discounted price: SQE2 Subjects-£101 Discount£599
    SQE1 FLK1£500
    SQE1 FLK2£500

    Package A+ FLK1 & FLK2

    • 13-month subscription to the following materials with a 12-month subscription to the Oxford University Press (OUP) SQE Prep & Practise.
    • Live & Recorded lectures + OUP SQE Prep & Practise manual with approximately 1200 multiple-choice questions + Synopsis Notes + Flashcards.
    • Challenging questions database.
    • Full preparation package for FLK1 & FLK2 with the option to extend the subscription for £300 per annum.
    • Suitable for foreign lawyers, who have not completed LLB in the UK and non-law graduates.
    Package A+ FLK1 & FLK2Recorded lecturesNo of lecturesFlashcardsInteractive live revision lecturesOUP SQE Prep & Practise
    (12 months)
    Criminal Practice41
    Criminal Law31
    Land Law31
    Property Practice41
    Wills and the Administration of Estates41
    Solicitors Accounts11
    Dispute Resolution41
    Business Law and Practice41
    Consti, Admin & EU law31
    English Legal System11
    Legal Services1
    Individual study plan
    Mentor consultation
    Total price   £2260
    Discounted price: SQE1 Subjects-£460 Discount£1800

    *Interactive live-revision lectures (LRL) are conducted to address your inquiries, discuss law updates, and work through the multiple-choice questions together. They additionally are regulated by the SMART EVENTS BOOKING POLICY (LEGAL THEATRE), which shall prevail where inconsistent with this Price Policy. 

    Mentor Consultation is conducted as a one-to-one or small group session at the beginning of the course. Its purpose is to assist with the development of an individual study plan and provide guidance for the preparation. Any additional questions or inquiries will be addressed during the Revision lectures.

    Purchasing the package entitles you to access the video recording(s) of the lecture(s) (13-month subscription starting from the date of payment, unless agreed otherwise) and the Oxford University Press (OUP) SQE Prep & Practise manual with approximately 1200 multiple-choice questions (12-month subscription, with the starting day to be agreed).

    After the initial purchase, the subscription may be extended for £300 per annum, but it does not extend to the OUP SQE Prep & Practise. It may be used by aspiring solicitors for SQE purposes, as well as by our successful graduates for continuous professional development.

    Limited bursaries are available for Ukrainian lawyers and those in need. Please contact us at for more information.

    (ii) SQE2:

    SQE Skills Package

    SQE Skills PackageNo Price breakdown, £
    Legal writing lecture – LWL11100
    Legal drafting lecture – LDL300
    Legal research lecture – LR1Free
    Case & matter analysis – CMA2Free
    Client interview lecture (including attendance note) – CIL150
    Advocacy lecture – AL150
    Live-streamed interactive group sessions: Seminars, Live lectures, Live-streamed mocks (Legal Theatre)during the subscription periodduring the subscription period
    Legal research mocks for self-practice3Free
    Legal drafting mocks for self-practice:
    Criminal litigation6Free
    Property law3Free
    Civil litigation2Free
    Business law2Free

    Note, the Live-streamed interactive sessions and Live-streamed mocks (Legal Theatre®) are regulated by the SMART EVENTS BOOKING POLICY (LEGAL THEATRE), which shall prevail where inconsistent with this Price Policy. 

    Note, the SQE skills lectures are developed based on our personal experience of passing the assessment and also coaching the aspiring solicitors for the QLTS OSCE. They are carefully prepared to provide You with the skills and knowledge necessary to adopt a pragmatic approach when undertaking a particular SQE2 skills assessment. Such lectures are also designed to facilitate the practical application of the relevant skills to mocks and actual assessments, with the aim of helping You to excel at the same.

    Only two SQE2 assessments are different from QLTS OSCE, namely: 

    1. Matter analysis, which is an entirely new assessment; and 
    2. Legal research, which is substantially different from the same under the QLTS regime. 

    Since the above two assessments are a novelty for the SQE training, We will require some period of practical teaching and coaching for those two assessments in order to develop the pragmatic approach and tips necessary, and to reflect these in the skills lectures.  

    Note, guidance from the lectures alone may not be enough to prepare for the SQE2 assessments. These lectures are intended to facilitate, expedite and reduce the required number of the mock stations in order to develop your personal skills and exam techniques. It is therefore strongly suggested that, in addition to the relevant lectures, You undertake further relevant personal study.

    SQE2 Advanced Package

    SQE2 Advanced PackageNoPrice breakdown, £
    Client interview4280
    Attendance note individually marked2240
    Attendance note suggested answer270
    Matter analysis3360
    Legal writing2240
    Legal drafting1120
    Legal research1120
    Law lectures and notes 5 practice areas
    SQE Skills Package (incl. 19 SQE2 written mocks for self-practice)680

    SQE2 Oral Package

    SQE2 Oral PackageNoPrice breakdown, £
    Client interview170
    Attendance note suggested answer135
    Matter analysis1120

    SQE2 LPC Package

    SQE2 LPC PackageNoPrice, £
    Client interview2140
    Attendance note individually marked1120
    Attendance note suggested answer135
    Matter analysis1120
    Legal writing1120
    Notes in 5 areas of law 5 practice areas
    SQE Skills Pack (incl. 19 SQE2 written mocks for self-practice)680

    Combined package SQE1 (FLK1&FLK2) +SQE2

    Combined package SQE1 (FLK1&FLK2) +SQE2
    Package B FLK1 & FLK2Recorded lecturesNo of sessionsPrice per session, £Total price, £
    Criminal Practice435140
    Criminal Law335140
    Land Law335105
    Property Practice435140
    Wills and the Administration of Estates435140
    Solicitors Accounts13535
    Dispute Resolution435140
    Business Law and Practice435140
    Consti, Admin & EU law335105
    English Legal System1FreeN/A
    Legal Services13535
    Total SQE1421435
    SQE1 Package Discount£999
    OUP Prep & Practise (manual with tests)450
    Interview + Attendance note2190380
    Interview + Model answer2210210
    Matter analysis3120360
    Legal writing2120240
    Legal drafting1120120
    Legal research1120120
    SQE Skills Pack
    Smart Bursary Programme (Limited)£3,000
    ATTENTION: The Combined Package must be completed within 18 months. After the expiration of this period, a £300 annual fee will be charged for the transfer of access to the SQE1 materials. The transfer of the SQE2 part is subject to the Transfer Fee policy outlined in E. ACCESS, SQE2, (iv) of this Policy.
    This package is suitable for UK LLB graduates or individuals with a strong understanding of the law who need to review or study a few additional subjects. It is also a great option for barristers looking to requalify as solicitors. To apply for the Smart Bursary Programme, contact us at

    Neither of the above packages is subject to any refund of the unused mocks or Credits as provided in Section F, below. If You have not completed some of the mock stations and have already sat and passed the exam, You may complete them at a later stage as a part of the SRA’s continuing competence requirement and these may be added to the annual declaration which You must submit to the SRA annually when renewing your practising certificate. You shall not be entitled to any additional discount under Section B. DISCOUNTS ON BULK PURCHASES, but any relevant sums paid shall contribute to your Cumulative Total, and You shall be entitled to the respective corresponding discounts, in accordance with the Thresholds, on your subsequent purchases. 


    We will provide You with brief instructions on how to register with the Superexam platform. These instructions will include guidance on how to book the mock stations. When registering on the platform You must provide your full, real name, as it appears on any state or government identification (e.g., birth certificate, driver’s licence and passport). Only our tutors will be able to see your full name. You may further choose a nickname for yourself by inserting it into a designated box under the name section when registering. 

    E. ACCESS 

    Subject to your full compliance with our Regulations, We shall grant You a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable license to access the Superexam platform. Any use of the platform in excess of this license is strictly prohibited and constitutes a violation of our Regulations. In instances of such violation, We reserve the right to terminate your access to the Superexam platform, and to pursue any further relevant legal action. 

    Upon completion of registration You will be allocated to a particular Study Group (SG) – a group of aspiring solicitors preparing for a specific exam sitting. 


    Live Lectures Pack gives You a 13-month (395 days) subscription starting from the date of payment. Purchasing the package entitles You to accessing the video recording(s) of the lecture(s).


    (i) Each SG has an intensive prep period which starts approximately 2-2.5 months before the first exam date for the relevant sitting. You will be provided with options to choose within in this respect. 

    Your allocation to a particular SG gives You the following advantages:

    • Priority booking during the intensive period allocated to this group;
    • Priority marking – your work will be given priority status in terms of marking during your SG’s intensive prep period; 
    • Priority list for the group’s seminars registration;
    • Priority support  

    (ii) Each SG has three important dates

    1. Start date – when the intensive prep period commences – approximately 2-2.5 months before the first exam date for this exam sitting;
    2. End date – when the intensive prop period is finishing – the last exam date for this sitting;
    3. Results date – the day when the results are released.

    (iii) Your entitlement to access through the platform shall depend on the Service You purchase:

    1. Mock stations: You will have access to the mock materials for 9 consecutive calendar months beginning on and including the date on which the first booked mock was released to You (Release date) or until the End date of your SG, whichever is the earlier. If You subsequently do not pass the assessment with your SG and indicate the required details in your account on or after the Results date, any remaining balance of the 9 months access will be automatically restored until its expiration. 

    You may also request to transfer to the next study group free of charge if (the both conditions must be met), – 

    1. You submit an application to do so within the period of 60 calendar days beginning on and including the first Release date; and 
    2. The transfer request is submitted before the Start date for your current SG’s intensive prep period

    In order to change SGs after the expiration of the time frames provided immediately above, You will be charged a Transfer fee in accordance with the provisions below.

    1. Theory including Skills Guide – cannot be extended. You may purchase particular lectures or Group sessions applying the discount available under your Cumulative Total. In this case the access shall be granted for 9 months beginning on and including the date on which access to the relevant materials is first granted. 

    (iv) Transfer Fee: access to the materials may be extended for a further period of 9 months upon payment of a transfer fee. This shall be calculated as 10% of your Cumulative Total, including the price for the booked, but not yet handled mocks. After payment of the Transfer Fee You shall choose one of the available SGs, the End date of which is within a 9 month period calculated from the date of the payment (inclusive). Following receipt of payment, We shall restore your access to the mock materials, which You have already accessed, and You shall be entitled to the SG advantages as provided in E(i) above.

    For example, on 1 Jan 2022 You subscribed for the SG Apr 2022 with a Cumulative Total of £1600. The intensive prep period is starting on 1 Feb 2022, but You will be able to book the mocks from the registration date and will have access until 22 Apr 2022. If for some reason You cannot attend the exam, You may change your SG from Apr 2022 to Oct 2022 free of charge, subject to submitting the request before 1 Feb 2022. Otherwise You would have to pay the Transfer Fee, which is calculated as follows: £1600 @ 10% = £160

    F. REFUND 

    You may opt to redeem any unspent Credits, subject to the total amount of such Credits exceeding the value of £20 (i.e., 20 SC). For the avoidance of doubt, any SC balance below £20 may not be redeemed for its cash value, but may still be applied towards your further purchases. 

    The amount of any refund to which You are entitled under this policy shall depend on the party initiating it: 

    (i) If We initiate the refund – We shall return to You all sums in full which You have paid in advance for unused services booked* but not yet provided by Us. With regard to the services in respect of which any refund is initiated by us, We shall provide You with reasonable notice prior to terminating your access to the same. 

    (ii) If You initiated the refund  – You may request the refund of the unused SC (not yet applied to book* any mocks) as follows:

    1. Practice – with the exception of the Special SQE2 packages, the refund is available as follows:

    1. Non-discounted purchases – money for the SC shall be returned to You upon request, subject to a 10% arrangement fee to be paid in compensation. You shall bear the refund costs.
    2. Discounted purchase – money for the SC shall be returned to You upon request, subject to 30% arrangement fee to be paid in compensation. 

    Example: Your first purchase was for £1000 with a 5% discount. So, You paid £950. On your second purchase You added extra mocks for £600, which entitled You to a 10% discount on that purchase. After that You requested a refund of 100 Credits, equal to £100. Since the purchases were discounted, We would deduct 30% from the sum as an arrangement fee. So, out of 100 SC You will receive £70 (100 less 30%). 

    *A mock station is deemed to be booked, at the point at which the mock materials are released to You via your classroom on the Superexam platform. It does not matter if You accessed them or not. 

    2. Theory (including the Skills Guide) – the refund, access and other possible issues are regulated by the Terms and Conditions.

    The refund cannot be partial and applies to all Credits which You currently have on your account. Money paid by You for Credits shall be held by Us on trust until You either utilise these Credits by paying for the mocks, or obtain a refund. YOU SHALL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY INTEREST ON THE MONEY AND/OR EXPRESSLY AGREE TO WAIVE ANY SUCH INTEREST.

    (iii) Non-refundable

    You shall not be entitled to a refund in relation to any of the following:

    1. Money or SC used to purchase the minimum number of the mock stations purchased jointly with the skills lectures under (iii) SQE2 Theory: Lectures*;
    2. Situations to which para 2 of the Termination & Refund section in the Terms and Conditions applies;
    3. Any circumstances as may be provided for in the Refund section of the Online Booking Policy applicable to your Study Group or expressly agreed between You and Us;
    4. Special SQE2 packages or SQE Skills Package.


    1. Unless prohibited by the law, Our total cumulative liability under or in connection with the Services supplied, shall not exceed £120 or the sum paid by You for a particular item of the Service in question (for example mock station, lecture, OSGS), whichever is smaller. Where relevant provisions of applicable law prohibit the limiting of liability to the figures above stated,  Our cumulative liability in respect of the above, shall be limited to the minimum figure permitted by applicable law.



    1. In the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with THIS AGREEMENT AND/OR THE SERVICES PROVIDED TO YOU, either party shall invite the other party to commence negotiations to resolve the dispute. Any invitation to negotiate shall be issued in writing, in the usual manner in which the parties communicate in writing.

    2. If the parties do not reach a settlement within 60 calendar days of one party having invited the other in writing to negotiate, the dispute shall be exclusively and finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with this clause.

    3.  The seat of arbitration shall be Singapore, but the parties agree to hold hearings and/or meetings (if any) virtually or in any suitable location and/or by any suitable means of simultaneous communication. The language of arbitration is to be English. The arbitration tribunal shall consist of a sole arbitrator appointed in accordance with the DELOS Rules of Arbitration. 

    4.  By submitting their dispute to arbitration under the DELOS Rules of Arbitration, the parties agree to comply with any award without delay and waive their right to any form of recourse insofar as such waiver can validly be made.