90.66% Average Pass Rate from QLTS OSCE in 2018 to SQE2 in 2024: It’s not about the brand; it’s about ‘know-how’

Next event
12 Oct
Sat, 10:00-11:00 am
Legal skills practice sessions

Civil Advocacy Price: £60

SQE1 subject areas
Live-streamed interactive group session
Law updates, MCQs, Tips & Techniques, Qs&As
SQE1 & SQE2 subject areas
Live-streamed interactive group session
Law updates, Problem Questions, MCQs,
Tips & Techniques, Qs&As
Legal skills practice sessions
Live-streamed SQE2 mocks (Legal Theatre)
Bar exam training sessions
Professional webinars
extra events

We’ll be shortly adding extra live
lectures, seminars and demos.
If interested, please fill in the form.

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