SQE2 preparation course:
Comprehensive study and practice

Get exam-ready with a team of solicitors
who’ve passed the exam with us!

“Passing SQE2 was absolutely critical for me. ‘Smart’s’ hand holding allowed me to approach the exam with confidence & get the result I needed.”

Annie Luo, Dual qualified lawyer (England & Wales and China)


tutoring solicitors and interviewers


years of exam preparation experience


inspiring success stories

5 highly effective steps to pass SQE2

1-to-1 training to replicate exam conditions.


Register on our SUPERexam e-learning & training platform


Choose standalone materials or subscribe to a package


Learn from our tutors and mentors who have passed the exam themselves


1-to-1 training to replicate exam conditions with personalised tutor feedback


Smash the SQE2 exam!

Why choose us?

SQE2 is a tough exam. We are experts in helping people like you pass SQE2.


Our tutors have passed SQE2 with us and genuinely understand the challenges you face.

You will be guided through the confusing maze of SQE2 study by discussing & understanding your current knowledge & failings. Our tutors will focus your learning to plug the holes in your knowledge, teach you critical exam techniques so that you can take the exam with confidence.

Book fourteen 1-to-1 sessions (SQE2 package) with your tutor at times that suit you.

Top up for additional 1-to-1 sessions if needed.


You can choose your study days, materials and subscription plans on our SQE SUPERexam training platform.

We offer competitive pricing with pay-as-you-go options.


… because we provide specialist 1-to-1 training at your convenience to identify and fill the gaps in your knowledge and exam techniques.

Our approach

We believe in mistake driven learning & interactive tutor teaching. We may knock you down to build you back up. It can be stressful & tough but ultimately in your best interests to achieve success.

We understand that you have a high workload at your firm. Your study time is going to be limited & needs to be correctly focused & critically managed. Our system is designed for people just like you.

We want you to pass as many of our extremely tough mock exams as possible in the run up to the real thing. Passing the SQE2 exam is the holy grail.

We are SQE2 experts. We will take you out of your comfort zone to a greater understanding of the challenges to pass. Knowledge is not enough! You must know how to correctly & comprehensively apply your knowledge in a practical setting.

Our tutors & crafted mock exams will push you hard to expose the holes in your knowledge, practical skills & exam techniques. We intend to exponentially improve your SQE2 exam readiness. You are highly unlikely to be able to achieve this threshold without our 1-to-1 training.



mock exams

Client interview
1-to-1 tutor training with oral and/or written feedback
1-to-1 tutor training with oral feedback
Case and matter analysis
Your written submissions will be assessed by a tutor in advance of a 1-to-1 video call to enforce your understanding, skills and techniques
Legal research
Legal writing
Legal drafting
Your written submissions will be assessed by a tutor & marked with written feedback
Register on SUPERexam

SQE2 lectures

  • Preparation for mock exams
  • Highly practical and demonstrative
Client interview
Case and matter analysis
Legal research
Legal writing
Legal drafting

Package pricing

Tutored mocks to cover a wide range of legal concepts.

SQE Skills Package

  • 9-month subscription to the following materials
  • Recorded Skills lectures with Notes + Flashcards +
    SQE2 group sessions + Student role play (Legal Theatre) + 19 mocks for self-practice
SQE Skills Package
No Price, £
Legal writing set of lectures 1 100
Legal drafting lecture 6 200
Legal research lecture 1 Free
Case and matter analysis lecture 2 Free
Client interview set of lectures (including attendance note) 1 50
Advocacy set of lectures 1 50
Live-streamed interactive group sessions: Seminars, Live lectures, Live-streamed mocks (Legal Theatre) during the subscription period during the subscription period
Legal research mocks for self-practice 3 Free
Legal drafting mocks for self-practice:
   Criminal litigation 6 Free
   Property law 3 Free
   Wills 3 Free
   Civil litigation 2 Free
   Business law 2 Free
TOTAL: £680

SQE2 Oral Package

  • 1-to-1 Training for Mock Exams
  • Personal feedback on individually marked exams
SQE2 Oral Package
No Price, £
Client interview 1 70
Attendance note suggested answer 1 35
Advocacy 1 120
Case and matter analysis 1 120
TOTAL: £320

SQE2 LPC Package

  • SQE Skills Package + 1-to-1 Training for Mock Exams
  • Personal feedback on 6 individually marked exams
  • Synopsis Notes covering 5 areas of law
  • A plethora of useful legal content on the SUPERexam Training Platform
SQE2 LPC Package
No Price, £
Client interview 2 140
Attendance note individually marked 1 120
Attendance note suggested answer 1 35
Advocacy 1 120
Matter analysis 1 120
Legal writing 1 120
TOTAL 7 655
Law notes 5 practice areas
SQE Skills Package (incl. 19 SQE2 written mocks for self-practice) 680
TOTAL: £1250

SQE2 Advanced Package

  • SQE Skills Package + 1-to-1 Training for Mock Exams
  • Personal feedback on 17 individually marked exams
  • Synopsis Notes covering 5 areas of law
  • A plethora of useful legal content on the SUPERexam Training Platform 
SQE2 Advanced Package
No Price, £
Client interview 4 280
Attendance note individually marked 2 240
Attendance note suggested answer 2 70
Advocacy 2 240
Matter analysis 3 360
Legal writing 2 240
Legal drafting 1 120
Legal research 1 120
TOTAL 17 1670
Law notes 5 practice areas
SQE Skills Pack (incl. 19 SQE2 written mocks for self-practice) 680
Discount 360
TOTAL: £1990

Choose your perfect SQE2 plan

SQE2 prep that works, with those who know, for results that matter.

SQE2 Oral Package£320SQE Skills Package£680SQE LPC Package£1,250Best ChoiceSQE2 Advanced Package£1,990
Advocacy with individual feedback 1 1 2
Matter analysis with individual feedback 1 1 3
Client interview + attendance note suggested answer 1 1 2
Client interview + attendance note individually marked 1 2
Legal writing with individual feedback 1 2
Legal drafting with individual feedback 1
Legal research with individual feedback 1
Legal writing set of lectures (recorded)
Legal drafting lecture (recorded)
Legal research lecture (recorded)
Case and matter analysis lecture (recorded)
Client interview set of lectures (including attendance note) (recorded)
Advocacy set of lectures (recorded)
SQE2 written mocks for self-practice: drafting and research 19 19 19
Live-streamed interactive group sessions: Seminars, Live lectures, Live-stream mocks (Legal Theatre) [during the subscription period]
Synopsis Notes for focused learning and revision
9-month subscription to all materials
SUPERexam E-learning & Training Platform with a plethora of useful content

*The content of the packages is flexible. You will receive Smart credits that you can use to purchase mock exams according to your preferences. However, we recommend the following set of mock exams.

Other options

Get exam-ready with practising solicitors of England and Wales.

Pick and mix
SQE2 mocks and lectures

Mock exams:
– Oral (Advocacy)
– Written (Legal Writing, Drafting)
– Mixed (Case Analysis, Interviews with Attendance Notes)
 All mocks are individually marked by a qualified tutor
 Personal feedback on all mocks

Group sessions:
– Unique Legal Theatre®
– Live Seminars

Skills lectures
– Advocacy
– Interviews with Attendance Notes
– Legal Writing
– Drafting

Book Now
Help for resitters
Coaching for SQE2 Resitters

SQE2 FREE Marks Breakdown Analysis:
We offer a complimentary analysis of your
previous SQE2 result(s). We will analyse your performance and provide advice on critical study and training:

  • Law revision
  • Mock simulations training
Schedule a call now

Our students say:

We are proud to have helped hundreds of aspiring solicitors to pass their exams.
Your success is genuinely our success! Join us NOW!

Fernando Gragera
I wouldn't have achieved these results without the assistance of OSCEsmart
While self-preparation is possible for SQE1, I firmly believe that extensive practice with mock exams is essential for SQE2. I wouldn’t have achieved these results without the assistance of OSCEsmart.
FERNANDO GRAGERA - Dual qualified solicitor (England and Wales & Spain)
SQE2 prep Noreen
To pass the SQE2, you can't rely solely on books; doing mocks is crucial

To pass the SQE2, you can’t rely solely on books; doing mocks is crucial. One-to-one SQE2 mocks help you prepare for the intense exam environment and time pressure. They give you a clear idea of what to expect.

NOREEN ADJEI - Qualified via the LPC and SQE route
Celeste SQE2
I took many mock exams with OSCEsmart, and they were very useful

I took many mock exams with OSCEsmart, and they were very useful. They gave me a good idea of the exam format and how to structure my answers correctly. OSCEsmart’s systematic approach helped me prepare effectively.

CELESTE CHEN - Dual qualified solicitor (England and Wales & China)
Neha Sachde SQE2
OSCEsmart offers various subscription options
OSCEsmart has various kinds of subscriptions, so even a stand-alone mock can be so helpful just before the exam. I also used to practise on my own, but the experience of practising with your tutors is truly unparalleled. I’m so happy that I had OSCEsmart helping me throughout this process.
NEHA SACHDE - Dual qualified solicitor (England and Wales & India)
Charlotte SQE2
I’m very happy with the preparation!

I prepared for the SQE2 using OSCEsmart, incorporating the CILEx past papers and 1-to-1 mock exams. The OSCEsmart mocks were harder and more extensive than the actual exam, enhancing my exam technique proficiency. … I’m very happy with the preparation!

CHARLOTTE H. - Dual qualified solicitor (England and Wales & Hong Kong)
tAHA sqe2
I highly recommend OSCEsmart

I had experience with [provider], and during my preparation, I discovered OSCEsmart. Their focused approach helped me improve conciseness in areas like advocacy and client interviews. I highly recommend OSCEsmart to anyone aiming for SQE exam success.

TAHA JERAJ - Dual qualified solicitor (England and Wales & Tanzania)


Do you have any questions? We are here to help.

Can I take SQE2 immediately after passing SQE1?

Yes, and it may be in your best interests to do so as your SQE1 knowledge will still be in sharp focus. https://smart.superexam.online/register?path=/wallet/packages?category=sqe2

I’m a foreign qualified lawyer. Can I pass the exam without training?

Maybe not! The SRA annual exam reports reveal that FOREIGN lawyers relying on their practical experience have much poorer pass rates than UK trainee solicitors & apprentices. https://smart.superexam.online/register?path=/wallet/packages?category=sqe2

Can I sit SQE2 if I don’t have practical experience in the UK?

Yes, but we recommend you let us help you.
1-to-1 sessions with our practicing UK solicitor tutors will improve your knowledge, skills & exam techniques. You will take our tough mock exams which will be critiqued to push you to the required standard. https://smart.superexam.online/register?path=/wallet/packages?category=sqe2

Do you provide 1-to-1 training?

This will be the cornerstone of your success.
Book 1-to-1 sessions to suit your availability with just a few clicks. https://smart.superexam.online/register?path=/wallet/packages?category=sqe2

Do you provide revision materials?

Yes, our Synopsis notes hit the nail on the head and our live revision group sessions are invaluable. https://smart.superexam.online/register?path=/wallet/packages?category=sqe2

Should I revise Substantive Law?

Yes, Tort, Contract, Criminal Law & Trust.
We will help you with these. https://smart.superexam.online/register?path=/wallet/packages?category=sqe2

Optimise your learning path with the Academy of Smart Lawyers (OSCEsmart) and become a certified solicitor of England and Wales.