SQE2 Mock Tests and Practice Questions

What you will read in this post

    Since February 2018, we have been dedicated to providing comprehensive training and support for foreign-qualified lawyers aiming to qualify as solicitors in England and Wales through the QLTS OSCE, which is a precursor to the SQE2 assessments.

    Over the years, our commitment to excellence has yielded outstanding results, with a notable passing rate of 90.66% achieved from 2018 to February 2024. This exceptional success is a testament to our rigorous training methodology, highlighted by personalised 1-to-1 mock sessions that offer tailored feedback and replicate real exam conditions.

    In comparison, the average pass rate for recent SQE2 exams stands at 73.5%. For the QLTS OSCE exams (2018-2022), the pass rate was 70.5%.

    Mastering SQE2 is no easy feat – TRY BEFORE YOU SIT.
    Book your SQE2 mock here.

    Further assessment information for each SQE2 station is available by clicking the links below:

    • Client interview – an SQE2 simulation (sqe2 oral exam) with both oral and written components, together assessing the candidate’s ability to communicate effectively with the client and collect the pertinent information. The oral interview is supplemented by a handwritten attendance note. We conduct this SQE2 mock simulation with both the oral and written components, similar to the exam i.e. you will have the opportunity to submit a handwritten attendance note for our tutors to mark.
    • Advocacy – an oral SQE2 assessment (sqe2 oral exam) evaluating the quality of the candidate’s submissions and their ability to advocate in a court of law.
    • Legal writing – a written SQE2 assessment (sqe2 written exam) testing the candidate’s written communication skills.
    • Legal drafting – a written SQE2 mock station (sqe2 written exam) assessing the candidate’s ability to draft different legal documents and clauses, and complete forms.
    • Legal research – a written SQE2 assessment (sqe2 written exam) aimed at measuring the candidate’s ability to analyse large amounts of information with varying levels of difficulty.
    • Case & matter analysis – a written SQE2 assessment (sqe2 written exam) evaluating the candidate’s ability to advise on multiple legal issues. We conduct this SQE mock exam through a combination of oral and written components, i.e. candidates first submit a written work, the tutor goes through it and leaves comments, followed by a short video call to discuss the student’s improvement.


    SQE2 Simulations

    It is crucial for students to choose carefully from the variety of SQE2 courses and training offerings currently available in the solicitor training arena. Based on our years of experience helping foreign-qualified lawyers to prepare for the QLTS OSCE assessments, we have learned that the best way for students to learn is to “get their hands dirty” and attempt SQE2 mock sessions with individual feedback from expert tutors so that they can learn effectively from their mistakes. Especially, this concerns the SQE2 oral exam. Additionally, please review the “What You Need to Know About the SQE2 Skills Assessment” article.

    Some SQE training providers offer SQE2 sample questions or scenarios along with a “suggested answer” that a student can review with the aim of developing their own skills through the approach taken by others.

    In fact, we have found that if a student is simply provided with these types of SQE sample materials, without the option of having their own work checked and receiving direct feedback on it, many will not even attempt to perform the exercise themselves. Even if they do make some effort to work through the exercise, it won’t be as effective as more thorough SQE2 mocks with real-life personalised feedback. Students cannot objectively assess themselves, so this kind of self-guided approach will not work well for SQE preparation.

    OSCEsmart SQE2 Mock Stations

    Our Smart Methodology is designed around what DOES work: the principle of active learning, where students engage in their own learning through actively participating in mock simulations, receiving personalised feedback from experienced tutors, and learning from their mistakes.

    We have built a dedicated Superexam platform where students can safely attempt SQE mock stations in any area of law and discover both their strengths and the weaknesses that they need to work on before sitting the real test.

    This SQE2 prep approach ensures that students can actively develop their legal skills and solidify their legal knowledge in their long-term memory, which will benefit them enormously in the SQE and in real-life practice.

    Some of our past students came to us after trying SQE2 sample questions from other training providers but failing the SQE assessments, and then successfully passed and qualified as solicitors after honing their skills through our training and SQE2 mock simulations.

    See what some of our past students have to say about our SQE mock exams.

    We are continuously developing and improving our Superexam platform to ensure that every combination of legal skill and area of law is included, honing the search functionality, and even tailoring instances for law firms to use for their own SQE or other organisational training needs.

    Our core mission is to support the training and development of the next generation of solicitors for the betterment of the legal professional as a whole, and this platform is specifically designed to do just that.

    Superexam Flexible Pricing Policy

    Some providers prescribe fixed packages to students with different SQE sample materials but with a very limited number of individually-marked one-to-one SQE2 mocks in each skill and area of law, which in our opinion is the key tool to in SQE2 prep. Every candidate is different, with unique experiences, knowledge and skills, and with different budgets, availability and training needs.

    We have therefore designed our training offerings and costs and fees to be as flexible as possible so that students can truly tailor their SQE preparation to their own needs, while still offering bulk package discounts.

    Here’s how our pricing policy works:

    1. Students can top up their Superexam account and receive Smart Credits (SCs), where 1 SC = £1
    2. These SCs can then be used to purchase SQE2 mocks, group sessions, or SQE lectures through the Superexam platform
    3. Discounts are available at certain top-up thresholds (see table below), where students can receive the purchased number of SCs at a discounted price (e.g. 1,000 SCs at a 5% discount for £950)
    • Note: These discounts are only available if the student hits the threshold in one purchase, or only for subsequent purchases where the student hits the threshold in multiple top-ups (i.e. discounts cannot be applied retrospectively). We therefore recommend that students plan their preparation needs carefully and top up their account in one larger lump sum up front to avail of the discounts immediately.
    Our Discounts

    We have designed this structure for the Superexam costs and fees to ensure that students can avail of “bulk package” discounts while still maintaining full flexibility over which skills or areas of law they need to focus on in their SQE2 preparation.

    We are always happy to recommend certain combinations of SQE2 mocks to suit each candidate’s specific situation, but there is no obligation on the candidate’s part.

    You are ultimately the owner and designer of your own customised training programme and the best SQE2 prep course.

    If you are interested in registering on the Superexam platform or would like to know more about our services, please feel free to reach out to us at info@superexam.uk for information and advice.

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