SMART SQE Notes and Lectures

Our approach to preparing candidates is quite different from other providers – perhaps even drastically so. So, if you are a resitter seeking a new, effective approach, or perhaps a foreign-qualified lawyer, our SQE1 and SQE2 preparation programmes might be just what you need! Foreign candidates are our key speciality—we have successfully helped over 300 foreign lawyers qualify as English solicitors. Let us help you achieve your goals too!

Exploring English law has many routes. You could pursue an LLB degree at a UK university or choose self-study with a range of resources. It doesn’t matter if you’re an international student, a lawyer with experience from another country, or someone with no legal background. There are different paths to delve into English law and gain legal knowledge.

You might study it simply because you are a legal enthusiast keen to broaden your knowledge, or you might pursue a legal qualification as a UK solicitor or barrister. This article will focus more on the pathway to becoming a solicitor in the UK. For more details on becoming a barrister, please visit our Bar Transfer page.

What you will read in this post

    Preparing for SQE1 or SQE2? Our dedicated resources are here to help you succeed:

    SQE1 Course
    SQE2 Training
    SQE2 Mocks

    The Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) is an exceptional opportunity. Even if you’re studying English law purely out of interest, you might later consider transitioning to our SQE1 preparation programme to qualify as a solicitor of England and Wales. The SQE provides a chance even for non-law graduates to become qualified solicitors in England and Wales. This means that even if you haven’t studied or practised law, you can still qualify. This brings a unique expertise and diversity to the legal profession.

    The SQE is a unique route that welcomes people from different backgrounds. If you have a degree from any country in any subject, you can become a lawyer in England and Wales through SQE. The criteria are straightforward. One must have 2 years of experience, good character, and pass two law exams:

    • SQE1 – This is a multiple-choice exam.
    • SQE2 – This is a practical assessment focusing on legal skills. For example, SQE2 assessments cover client interviewing or legal research.

    The SQE1 exam assesses functional legal knowledge (FLK) in two parts, FLK1 and FLK2. These may be further divided into the following 5 sqe contexts groups.

    Group 1 Trust based

    1) Trust [FLK2]

    2) Wills and the Administration of Estates [FLK2]

    3) Land Law [FLK2]

    4) Property Practice [FLK2]

    Group 2 Dispute resolution based

    1) Contract [FLK1]

    2) Tort [FLK1]

    3) Dispute Resolution [FLK1]

    Group 3 Criminal Law based

    1) Criminal Law [FLK2]

    2) Criminal Practice [FLK2]

    Group 4 Public Law based

    1) Constitutional, Administrative and EU law [FLK1]

    2) The Legal System of England and Wales [FLK1]

    3) Legal Services [FLK1]

    4) Solicitors’ Accounts [FLK2]

    Group 5 Business Law based

    1) Business Law and Practice [FLK1]

    Our SMART Approach to SQE1 Preparation

    We trust in flexible preparation because there’s no one-size-fits-all formula. That’s why we’ve created guidance for different categories of candidates. You can find it in the table below.

    Our SQE1 approach depends on your service choice. We aim to aid you in both passing the SQE and fostering a robust grasp of English law. This includes:

    • Understanding SQE law concepts
    • Applying English legal principles practically
    • Retaining knowledge
    • Teaching you lifelong self-learning

    We recommend you choose from the various SQE study materials available. These include active teaching sessions, such as live-streamed lectures and seminars. There are also passive learning resources like SQE books, mock exams, practice questions and SQE1 notes. This approach allows you to control your learning and make adjustments at any stage. Now, let’s explore the suggested SQE1 study materials and resources.

    Our SQE1 package offers 13 months of access, allowing you to cover at least two SQE1 sittings. You can choose from course durations of 13, 9, or 6 months, depending on your schedule. If you initially plan to sit the SQE1 in 6 months but need more time, you will still have access to the materials and support for an additional 7 months (13-6=7). Should you need to extend your 13-month subscription, we can do so for a nominal annual fee for another 6 months. Please note, this extension does not include mentorship from our mentorship programmes, which may incur additional fees.

    Recorded SQE1 Lectures

    These edited video lectures are subdivided into small chunks, each lasting 15 minutes on average. Like chapters in a book, you can select a specific topic to watch or listen to. The lectures take the form of a conversation between two solicitors. The lectures may have a balanced format or adopt an inquisitorial style. In the latter case, one solicitor serves as the expert, answering questions. We make sure to include various legal examples. This includes real law cases to make it practical and easy to understand.

    Our lectures incorporate specially designed slides that we have created to facilitate memorisation and aid understanding. These slides become invaluable SQE1 notes for our students. See ‘Unique Methodology for Special SQE Notes’ section below. These can also serve as SQE 2 notes. The lecturers guide you through these slides, explaining their content in practical contexts. The substantive law lectures also include case summaries. We believe knowing case law is essential for answering the SQE1 MCQs. SQE1 questions are based on simple situations, often reflecting actual cases.

    We designed our approach for foreign lawyers from non common-law backgrounds, but it’s eminently suitable for all candidates. It’s especially recommended for foreigners and those without a legal background.

    These revision lectures are available year-round. You can start with a 13-month subscription for £999. It includes both recorded and revision lectures. It also includes our invaluable lecture notes. If you want to extend your subscription, it’s available for only £300 per year.

    Live-streamed Revision Lectures

    Our SQE revision sessions typically last 1 to 2 academic hours. Scheduled monthly, our SQE lectures are centered around specific subjects within related subject group. As many of you maintain individualised study schedules and may plan your SQE1 exams at different times, we’ve strategically categorised all SQE contexts into six distinct SQE1 subjects groups. These groups align closely with the five SQE context groups mentioned above. However, we have introduced a dedicated group for Property and Land Law, separating it from the others. Additionally, we have included Solicitors’ Accounts as part of the Business Law group.

    Although each lecture is formally dedicated to a specific subject, we also explore related topics within the same group. You’re encouraged to submit questions on any of these subjects. This approach is designed to deliver comprehensive support for prospective solicitors preparing for SQE1 assessments. It provides you with the chance to attend pertinent lecture groups, ask questions, and actively engage in the analysis of multiple-choice questions (MCQs). You have the opportunity to submit questions both in advance and during the sessions. In the SQE Live revision lectures we:

    1. Consider the law updates and questions submitted in advance.
    2. Analyse the SQE1 multiple-choice questions and exam techniques.
    3. Answer your Qs&As, subject to time availability.

    Each recorded lecture has references to upcoming revision sessions. Feel free to follow these references and ask questions or share your thoughts. Our lecturers consider your input when preparing and delivering the series. It gives us the possibility to update our library of recorded lectures. To learn more about the SQE1 Live revision lectures check the SMART EVENTS BOOKING POLICY (LEGAL THEATRE) / B. SQE1 LIVE REVISION LECTURES.

    Unique Methodology for Special SQE Notes

    Our academic team developed a distinctive methodology for creating Special SQE Notes that may be purchased as a part of the preparation course. We call them ‘SQE Synopsis Notes’ – simplifying understanding. These notes aim to present legal concepts as a comprehensive system within a single slide. We combine analytical and synthesis methods serving several purposes:

    1. Enhancing your understanding of the law.
    2. Providing comprehensive legal knowledge.
    3. Facilitating better memorisation of legal concepts.

    Analytical methodology breaks down complex legal concepts into their components for deeper comprehension. Synthesis shows how these legal concepts relate to each other in a topic. For this purpose, our special SQE1 notes condense entire topics, often spanning 30-35 pages, into single slides. We use visual techniques like colours, shapes, and arrows to make the law memorable and easy to comprehend the sqe contexts. The SQE concise notes can be likened to SQE mindmaps to some extent. They are perfect SQE revision notes, for LLB, LPC or PBTS grads. For overseas candidates and individuals from non-legal backgrounds, they are truly a game-changer. For the SQE2 skills assessment, we also offer SQE cheat sheets, including key legal tests for civil and criminal advocacy. The former is covered in the SQE 2 advocacy lecture. The same SQE1 study notes will be used as SQE2 notes and materials.

    You can find examples of our Sample SQE Synopsis Notes as follows:

    🔹 New to SUPERexam? 📌 Click here to register, access the SQE2 Webinar Bundle, and see the attachment “Sample SQE Synopsis Note.”

    🔹 Already registered? 📂 Click here to access the same.

    📝 Try Our Notes Editing Tool
    Our interactive tool allows you to amend, tailor, save, and download notes – ensuring your study materials fit your needs. It’s a valuable resource for both SQE preparation and ongoing legal practice.🎯 We aim to provide a lifelong legal resource to support your career beyond the SQE qualification

    SQE Handbooks & Manuals

    Together with the lecture series for the SQE1, we recommend buying one of the SQE manuals with multiple choice questions, developed by the UK’s leading publishers for the LLB and LPC:

    1. SQE Prep & Practise resource from Oxford University Press (OUP)

    An online repository of 1200 sophisticated multiple-choice questions (MCQs) written by experts in assessment and question writing.

    Available electronically as a 12-month subscription; Price: £450.


    2. UCL SQE Study Manuals

    A hardcopy bundle of 15 study manuals with about 600 MCQs. Price: £515.

    For those concentrating on law revision, we recommend the concise and well-written Revise SQE series from an imprint by Fink Publishing Ltd. Please note that Revise SQE is much more affordable.

    SQE MCQs For The SQE1 Assessment

    It’s crucial to choose suitable MCQs for practising SQE1 exam-style questions. Writing them is challenging. We’ve heard from past students that the actual exam questions are more difficult than the sample of SQE multiple choice questions provided by the SRA. The practice MCQs provided by some renowned training providers may also have lower difficulty levels than those in the SQE1 exam. We suggest using the resources mentioned earlier for MCQs.

    Our lectures and SQE notes also include SQE MCQ analysis. Further reading may be found in our article on “How to Successfully Answer the SQE1 MCQs”. Our SQE notes, meticulously crafted for SQE1, also serve as valuable SQE2 notes.

    Our Expert Lecterors And Mentors

    We are not a conveyor provider and therefore can focus on 1-to-1 training for the SQE and beyond. This includes not only lectures, but 1-to-1 coaching on the law by a tutor with the relevant legal background and expertise. Our focus is on the individuals who are prepared to put in the work rather than just believe a big brand will get them through.

    Our team includes:

    • Academics
    • Practising solicitors who have passed the exam;
    • Practising solicitors who qualified through a training contract and those who have experience with both routes
    • Practising and teaching barristers

    We have a profound understanding of the preparation process. We’ve successfully prepared and passed the exams ourselves. Moreover, we’ve assisted hundreds of aspiring solicitors on their journey. The majority of them were the resitters. Check out their testimonials with clear references to their LinkedIn and the Law Society profiles for evidence.

    For those seeking 1-to-1 training on the law, please note that it is not included in our SQE packages but can be separately booked on the SUPERexam platform at your convenience.

    ✔️ Already have an account? Sign in, top up your Wallet if required (£150), and go to the booking section to complete your booking.

    ✔️ New to SUPERexam? Register for free, then follow the same steps above.

    How To Prepare And Succeed In The SQE1 Exam

    Your approach will depend on your background, schedule, and learning ability. Let’s categorise candidates and assess the necessary SQE1 preparation for each.

    SQE 1 candidatesSQE1 preparation suggestionsSQE1 prep methods & materialsSQE1 prepTimeframe & costs
    UK barrister or bar course graduatesLearning = 30%Revision = 50%Light revision = 20%Usually need to study from scratch [approximately 30%]: Wills and the Administration of Estates; Property Practice; Legal Services; Solicitors’ Accounts; Business Law and Practice (partly) Should have extensive knowledge in Dispute Resolution and Criminal Practice, but may need some additional learning in the light of the solicitor’s practice [approximately 20%] Mainly need to revise the law covering the rest of the SQE contexts [approximately 50%]. Try to find some good SQE revision notes. We offer those as a part of SQE1 lecture package You can self-prepare but it may take a little longer.Consider our stand alone SQE lectures in any subjects you may be missing.Additional reading and note taking will be required, alternatively you may purchase SQE study notes.We can assist with SQE 1 revision notes & SQE revision books or own law notes. Alternatively you may search different sources on the Internet. Potentially you may find SQE revision notes free of charge. Ensure they align with the syllabus requirements for passing the SQE.Practice SQE1 Multiple choice questions, at least 360+ MCQs. Plus there are 90 free SRA SQE1 sample questions and 29 free QLTS MCT sample questionsFrom 3 to 6 months (on average) depending on your schedule and preparation method used
    Consider: Stand alone lectures with SQE notesSQE2 law lectures pack / course £550 covering LPC areas [50% discount]: to obtain the discount, contact us at;OUP SQE Prep & Practise (electronic manual offering about 1200 MCQs with a 12-month subscription) £450.SQE1+SQE2 Pack for £3439 made for those wish to fast-track their exam preparation. Contact us at *There is a limited Smart Bursary Programme available for this package that may reduce the price to £3,000.
    UK LLB graduates or law students Learning = 50%Revision = 50%
    Usually need to study from scratch [approximately 50%]: Wills and the Administration of Estates; Property Practice; Legal Services; Solicitors’ Accounts; Business Law and Practice (partly); Dispute Resolution and Criminal Practice
    Mainly need to revise the law that is tough in LLB, covering the rest of the SQE contexts [approximately 50%]. Try to find some good SQE revision notes. We offer those as a part of SQE1 lecture package
    Can self-prepare but it is risky due to the lack of knowledge in the practical law areas and will take longer time.Consider our stand alone SQE2 lectures pack, those cover the LPC areas of practice.Additional reading and note taking will be required, alternatively you may purchase SQE study notes.We can assist with SQE 1 revision notes & SQE revision books or you may still have your own LLB law notes.Practice SQE1 Multiple choice questions, at least 360+ MCQs. Plus there are 90 free SRA SQE1 sample questions and 29 free QLTS MCT sample questions
    From 6 to 9 months (on average) depending on your schedule and preparation method used Consider: law lectures pack / course £550 covering LPC areas [50% discount]: to obtain the discount, contact us at;
    OUP SQE Prep & Practise (electronic manual offering about 1200 MCQs with a 12-month subscription) £450. SQE1+SQE2 Pack for £3439 made for those wish to fast-track their exam preparation. *There is a limited Smart Bursary Programme available for this package that may reduce the price to £3,000 Contact us at
    Foreign law students or lawyerswith UK LLMLearning = 90-100%Except for the LLM subjects that may be relevant e.g. contract law or business law, generally speaking you should study 100% of the SQE1 law subjects. Can self-prepare to a reasonable extent: use a combination of different learning resources. You are likely to require some practical explanation as it will be difficult to study purely from the books.Consider our comprehensive SQE1 lectures pack, covering all the English law subjects.Additional reading and note taking is necessary, especially for non-native English speakers.We can assist with SQE 1 revision notes & SQE revision books and you are recommended to make your own handwritten law notes that will assist memorisation.Practice SQE1 Multiple choice questions, at least 600+ MCQs. Plus there are 90 free SRA SQE1 sample questions and 29 free QLTS MCT sample questionsFrom 12-13 months (on average) depending on your schedule and preparation method used Consider: Package A FLK1 & FLK2 – £1800 (includes OUP SQE Prep & Practise – electronic manual offering about 1200 MCQs with a 12-month subscription). £300 to extend the subscription to the SQE1 next sitting. Register on the SUPERexam to access, save £1070
    Foreign qualified lawyers from common law jurisdictionsYou should study 100% of the SQE1 law subjects. If you are from civil law jurisdiction, it may take you actually even longer than someone with no legal background. You would have to distinguish two legal systems and not be confused. If you are non-native English speaker, you may need to improve your Legal English. In this case we offer a pre-SQE preparatory course in Legal English.Exception: In general terms, based on our experience, it takes much less time and effort for qualified lawyers from Australia, Canada, USA and Hong Kong to prepare for the exam.From 13+ months (on average) depending on your schedule, English language skills and preparation method used Consider: Package A  FLK1 & FLK2  £1800 (includes OUP SQE Prep & Practise – electronic manual offering about 1200 MCQs with a 12-month subscription)Register on the SUPERexam to access, save £1070
    If you qualified in Australia, Canada, USA or Hong Kong, and wish to fast-track your exam preparation, you may opt for the SQE1+SQE2 Pack for £3439
    Foreign qualified lawyers from civil law jurisdictionsYou should study 100% of the SQE1 law subjects. You should fairly consider your language skills. It may be that you need to improve your Legal English. In this case we offer a pre-SQE preparatory course for Legal English.Since you may require more than 12 months preparation, we suggest considering the UCL SQE Study Manuals. These comprehensive materials will be physically sent to you and can serve as a valuable reference. While these manuals offer fewer Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), they can still be sufficient for your preparation. Additionally, there are various supplementary MCQ resources available at an affordable price, and their quantity is continually expanding. We advise focusing on MCQ practice after covering all the necessary legal content and as the exam date draws nearer.From 13+ months (on average) depending on your schedule, English language skills and preparation method used Consider: Legal English course Package A FLK1 & FLK2  £1800 (includes OUP SQE Prep & Practise – electronic manual offering about 1200 MCQs with a 12-month subscription) + £300 to extend the subscription to the SQE1 next sitting. Register on the SUPERexam to access, save £1070
    Non-law graduatesYou should study 100% of the SQE1 law subjects. Take your time and spread the SQE preparation through 1.5 – 2 years at least. You may combine it with practical legal work, being a paralegal or a legal apprenticeship. There is no need to speed it up, as it may adversely affect retention of the knowledge. Since you may require more than 12 months preparation, we suggest considering the UCL SQE Study Manuals. These comprehensive materials will be physically sent to you and can serve as a valuable reference. While these manuals offer fewer Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), they can still be sufficient for your preparation. Additionally, there are various supplementary MCQ resources available at an affordable price, and their quantity is continually expanding. We advise focusing on MCQ practice after covering all the necessary legal content and as the exam date draws nearer.From 13-24+ months (on average) depending on your schedule, English language skills and preparation method used Consider:Package A FLK1 & FLK2  £1800 (includes OUP SQE Prep & Practise – electronic manual offering about 1200 MCQs with a 12-month subscription) + £300 to extend the subscription to the SQE1 next sitting; Register on the SUPERexam to access, save £1070Legal English course may be relevant if you are non-native English speaker