April 9, 2024
Dr Olga Pogrebennyk
Interviewer: Hi, Noreen. Can you introduce yourself and give us some background on when you took the SQE2 exam and how long you prepared for...
February 22, 2024
Dr Olga Pogrebennyk
Interviewer: Dear friends, today we continue our series of Qualified Talk, and joining me is a fascinating individual, Charlotte. Charlotte’s unique perspective stems from her...
February 13, 2024
Dr Olga Pogrebennyk
Neha: It has been quite some time since we practised a SQE2 mock, and I really miss doing that. It was a wonderful journey, and...
May 6, 2022
2021 was a tough year for OSCE candidates – we know that from our students’ unique stories. Countries on and off the red list, travel...
May 17, 2021
For all the threats and challenges posed by 2020, OSCEsmart graduates made truly remarkable achievements and passed the QLTS OSCE with flying colours. Witnessing the...
June 16, 2020
Nowadays in these trying times, it is vital for candidates not to lose heart and continue their preparation for the QLTS OSCE exam. You should...
May 14, 2019
When there’s just one week left before the QLTS OSCE exam, stress can really take over. Now that’s the time to keep things in perspective,...